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Better products, faster.

No More Guesswork

Vypr puts the consumer at the heart of the innovation process, removing the need for blind assumptions

Rapid and robust consumer data supports your ideas at every stage, accelerating innovation

How can Vypr help?

Discover how Vypr can help you with concept screenings, packaging product claims and so much more.

Concept screening

Vypr identifies the strongest concepts by asking consumers at every stage. You get accurate intelligence about what the market wants to quickly determine which concepts are worth progressing.


Not sure what packaging would resonate best with consumers? Upload images of your packaging ideas to see which appeal to consumers the most.

Test variations in colour, imagery, pack shape, and more, to understand how to maximise chances of listing and on-shelf performance.

Product Claims

Getting your messaging right is key – now you can test which claims work best. By split testing your on-pack wording with hundreds of consumers in near real-time, Vypr takes the guesswork out of the process